Senin, 12 November 2012

[NONFIC] The Way I Fell In Love with EXO

[120222] EXO... our K-poppers had been surprised by this SM's youngest boygroup. From many teasers until prologue of their debut until their debut itself. SM had been saving all their strength for EXO's super mega debut. But all the images or the amazing videos that made me follow their tracks.

This teaser is the first teaser I saw, and this teaser had had me. I don't know, it was just a depressed guy wandering on the rooftop dressed in all white. The next second his angel-like face got my attention. His hand moved swaying with wind controlling the sun and the moon creating eclipse? Is he designed to be a god of EXO? But the next thing I know the guy jumped. The first thing in my mind was WHY DID HE JUMPED? HE HASN'T  DEBUTED YET!

But all in all, the song was perfectly suited to the video. I had my heart stopped when it came to the reff part, and I was like; Ah, I got to download this song!

I played it over and over. I watched the other teasers yet this teaser is the one which I watched the most. Ah, I guess I've fallen for them.

Yes, these 12 guys really made my day. I'm now an official EXOfan, thanks to Kris with his teaser.

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